NAFC Newsletter
The 'War of Art'. Be Like Bruce!
By Tammy LeBoss |
Draw your focus inward, and find your center...
Want to pack a punch to your workouts? Strengthen your flow. As you flow into summertime, learn to find a sweet balance between effort and ease.
Flow can be described as a heightened state of body awareness. Flow can be easily accessed when we’re experiencing:
- a runner’s high
- an acute calm state of being (even in amidst stress)
- or even a state of euphoria.
In most situations, flow describes a continuous movement or placement of energy. When an athlete is "in the zone", for example, their movements flow with ease. And it might seem that all of their training is working in their favor because they are extraordinarily focused and on top of their game.
Be like Bruce. Draw your focus inward, and find your center. With acute focus yet with ease through the eyes and visage, pack your one-inch punch. Be you... but be like Bruce.
This ‘warrior flow’ can also be described as when our highest potential comes into alignment to meet our greatest challenges. Today, practice your flow. Follow your breath. Feel effortless calm wash over you. Develop your unique alignment.
Be like Bruce. Apply this war of art(form). How? Develop conscious movement using NAFC ANSER™.
Do it NOW. Bruce would approve...