NAFC NewsBlast - June 2017 | Ed 2
3 Tips: Creating Effective Compound Movements
By: Leslee Bender, Creator of NAFC TrueBar™ and Bender Training Academy
Editing: Tammy LeBoss
Strength Training and Compound Movements
When talking about strength training, most people immediately think of barbells, free weights, and single-joint actions. Using resistance bands such as Barre Bands are easily more functional, as well as infinitely more mobile, than some other options. Single-joint actions are not functional in daily life. Instead of focusing on simple motions, we should be training multiple muscle groups at once, which is known as compound movements.
The Barre Bands are ideal for strength training because the participant is working against their own body weight in addition to the resistance of the bands. The flexibility of the band allows the participant to add resistance to multiple muscle groups within one movement. So let’s investigate three tips for creating compound movements by using resistance bands with the TrueBar™ equipment.
3 Pro Tips for creating compound movements that are sure to improve your clients’ joint mobility as well as their core stability include:
1. Learn How Opposites Attract: If the right leg moves, the left arm moves.
Moving your opposing limbs in unison not only trains the entire body but also works the mind and coordination skills. Try this: Step on the band and hold the handles in both hands. Keep your feet together but spread the arms into a ‘Y’ position. As you step out with the right foot, reach the left hand down to the right knee, shin or foot, maintaining a neutral spine (See NAFC ANSER™ in Personal Training). Return to the start position and move to the opposite sides.
2. Work as Many Joints as Possible: How many joints can you possibly move at once?
For example, step on the band with your left foot and step back with the right, into a stationary lunge position. As you lunge down, hold the band in your hands and laterally stretch the band out to the sides. As you stand up, raise your band over your head as you bring the right knee forward into a knee lift.
3. Apply Two Movements, One Side: Let’s investigate this idea further.
Wrap the band around a bar, place the band around the foot away from the bar and hold on to the handle with the arm close to the bar. Lateral lunge away from the bar while you lean towards the bent knee. As you press back to standing, add a hip abduction lift. For a visual demonstration, Click Here:
Your muscles are quick to adapt and learn routines that are performed often. Using resistance bands such as Barre Bands can offer a fun and functional increased range-of-motion; also, a much needed change of pace. This variety keeps your body engaged and challenged, which results in a more intense and efficient workout. The added freedom of mobility of the Barre Bands has the added benefit of being able to strengthen the users’ entire body.
Learn more about how to apply functional movement, get certified in NAFC TrueBar™ today. Get your clients results and in superior alignment by applying NAFC ANSER™ principals of safety and alignment. Stay in the game. Never stop learning!