NAFC NewsBlast - May 2017 | Ed 1
Money Clarity: Why Pulling is Way Better Than Pushing
By Tammy LeBoss |
22 Money Mindset Shifts
Spring is in full swing and it may be time to shift from chaos to control with your money mindset. Money, like seasonal changes, goes in cycles of ups and downs, and losses and regenerations. If you’ve suffered losses, avoid blaming yourself and others for money breakdowns. Chances are, your system just needs an upgrade. Spring is the perfect time to hit reset, tune out the noise pollution, and refocus on your deepest desires.
Start by revisiting your relationship with money. Whether you’re avoiding earning money, afraid of what you might discover by earning more, or simply looking for better systems of money clarity, start with allowing. Allowing is a process of pulling in and thus, inviting into your life what you want, versus pushing which is resistance. You may have also noticed how pushing whether physically or mentally takes a great deal of force, and not easy to sustain. Pulling on the other hand, requires way less energy. Decide now to stop pushing and to start pulling. Below are a few examples of how to practice your new mindset:
- Gain awareness into your individual money gifts and sabotage patterns
- Increase your savings
- Pay attention to what goes in and what goes out, and what should go in and out
- Shine light on the reasons you may be spending more than you need to
- Calculate your net worth and what types of investments will have the greatest impact
- Learn how to invest for retirement and choose the right advisor or broker
- Enjoy moving and spending money within reason and budget
- Avoid judging those who have more money than you
- Stop thinking that rich people are evil, and being wealthy is wrong
- Understand that money is not the root of all evil; people who abuse it are
- Stop striving to get money or power and start giving back
- Don’t be afraid of the potential power and freedom that money can lend you
- Tipping is good karma; tipping especially when you don’t have lots of money is moving positive currency
- Contribute to the economy by building a business
- Feed the economy by creating new jobs
- Become an entrepreneur and pull in your tribe
- Move world currency; spend a few bucks on the things that matter to your environment & community
- You are not your parents; your relationship with money need not be the same as your parents’
- Honor the dollar; save it, protect it, spend it in ways that count most
- Never assume that people have more money than you; more things often means more debt
- Pull in the abundance mindset into your life, especially when you least have ‘things’
- Fall in love with money; admit that you want it.
Change your mind, change the world
If you struggle with money, you’re like the salmon swimming against upstream currents. Striving for money is a struggle against the currents of life. Striving without understanding your ‘whys’ will lead to frustration. This is why focusing on ‘getting the money’ will never in the end, net us what we want. When we chase money we can never truly create. Acting out of desperation only attracts more desperate acts. If you’re struggling to make money, it’s time. It’s time to change your relationship with money.
As for having things, life does not change when we change its contents; it will only change when we change its context, or how we see it. When we stop striving for money and focus on what what we do best— we’ll be flowing with the currents, not against it. How great would you feel to be able to flow through the currency of life? Let go of the need for ‘purpose’ or ‘passion’, and learn to flow with creative currency. You’ve succeeded when you’ve stopped letting other peoples’ definition of success to get in the way of your desires. And, like the salmon swimming with nature’s currents, with the least amount of effort, you can begin riding your own waves of successes.