Get Hip Smart Applying Hip Intelligence
By Tammy LeBoss |
Slow Down... Emphasize Awareness
Get hip smart by applying hip intelligence and teaching clients how to play it safe this summer. Many people are working desk jobs, they hurry to the gym or exercise class and they do not take the needed time to undo the stresses of sitting. To optimize a workout, be sure to address the following essential stretches:
- Stretch the hip flexors
- Stretch the hamstrings
- Move the SI joint
Also, what happens when we’re in too much of a hurry to hit a class or HITT workout? The glutes are not properly engaged, the hips are not adequately open and the core may misfire. This could lead to injury and pain. The solution involves slowing and paying attention.
To activate the glutes and open the hips, be sure to slow down for exercises that emphasize Awareness. Remember to squeeze firmly and consciously, and to truly focus on the hip and glutes. Before going into your session to awaken dormant buttocks, try this easy yet effective warm-up:
- The Superman, half (2 sets, 60 sec)
- Low lunge, knee down (1 set, hold 5-10 sec)
- Bridge, or single leg (1 set, 10 reps, 5-10 sec. hold)
- Side-lying ‘clam’ or hip ABduction (2 sets, 10 reps, 5-10 sec. hold)
To continue to build hip intelligence, follow this warm-up with the routine below:
- Split squats: keep glutes fired up during full ROM
- Hip hinge: point buttocks back toward wall, light bend in knees, feet together or hip width; drive hips up and forward
- Squat: push buttocks back toward a wall, press hips forward back to center of gravity
- Straddle deadlift: incorporate all above methods in previous steps
For increased safety and effectiveness, add proprioceptive exercises and 3-planar movements as part of a safe warm-up. Always keep movement purposeful and remember that every ‘body’ is different. Learn more about hip intelligence applying NAFC ANSER™ today!